Take the Pledge!

How you treat your lawn matters for water quality in central Ohio

Read our 2021 Report


Fall Leaf Management

  • Example fall leaf flyer. E-mail us for a customized version for your community and watershed!

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Seasonal Tips

                    Spring                                 Summer


                    Fall                                       Winter


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Extra Lawn Care Tips

Don't Forget the Birds and the Bees

  • Apply pesticides only where and when needed.  Sometimes you can treat a small area or even manually remove pests into soapy water. For more specific guidance visit  OEFFA's Pests, Weeds, and Integrated Pest Management
  • Tolerate some pestsLight plant or lawn damage can often be tolerated. 
  • Follow the label and do you research.  Know what you are applying, how to apply and environmental and safety precautions. 
  • Watch the weather. Read your labels and do your research.  Some products instructions recommend they be watered in, or tell you how many hours to wait before or after rain.
  • Birds eat bugs.  If you love birds then learn to love bugs as well.  Birds depend on bugs especially in the spring when they are feeding their young.